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Privacy Policy

We respect the privacy of our visitors and are committed to preserving your online safety by preserving your privacy at anytime you visit or communicate with our site.


Our Terms of Use and Privacy Policy offers you a thorough explanation regarding your personal data provided to us or any data we may collect from you.


1 Collected Information

  1. Data can be collected and processed during the operations of our website. The following are ways we may perform these actions:
  2. Data regarding your visit(s) to our website and any resources used are collected. The following is included and not limited to: location data, weblogs, traffic data, and any other communication information.
  3. Any forms you filled out on our site allows us to collect data such as registering for information or when you complete a purchase.
  4. If for any reason you communicate with our personnel or site we may collect information.

2. Our Use of Your Information

  1. Information stored or collected regarding you helps us improve and offer services you need. The following list contains how we might use your data:
  2. Any request you make of our site or personnel allows us to use information you provided us with, relating to the products or services we have. We may also send information on products or services you may be interested in, as long as consent has been received.
  3. Contract Commitments: To meet any Commitment we make to you.
  4. Changes or Improvements made to the site can warrant use of your information, with regard to notification of such changes.
  5. An existing customer may be contacted regarding products and services related to any item of previous sale you made on our site.
  6. We may use data or allow third parties to use information that is not related to goods or services you may be interested in. We or third parties contact you only if consent has been provided by you at anytime, based on information we collected.
  7. Any new customer can only be contacted by us or third parties if consent has been offered via our site. We only send communications you have consented to.
  8. Anyone who does not wish to give consent for our site or third party use has the opportunity to decline. Once we receive your withhold for consent we will remove your details from any mailings or third party communications.
  9. None of the information collected about you will offer identifiable characteristics. Information shared to a third party is statistical only. We will not reveal who you are, only mathematical information about our visitors.

3. Personal Data Storage

  1. Locations outside the European Economic Area may be used for transferring data we collect about you. These data sites are for storing or processing of your information. The information we share outside the European Economic Area may be shared with staff based on the process and storage of said data. It may include such processes as processing a payment or offering support for your service or product needs. The staff processing or storing information may work for our suppliers outside the European Economic Area. By submitting your data to use you have agreed to this transfer and storage of data. We take all reasonable action to ensure the safety of your personal data in agreement with this Privacy Policy.
  2. Information we are provided will be stored on secure servers. Transaction data is encrypted for your safety.
  3. You should understand data via online transmission is not completely secure. We cannot guarantee full protection and security data, only that we take all reasonable action to protect information sent to us electronically. Transmission of any data by you is at your own risk. Where applicable you may be given access to sections of our site that require a password. You are responsible for the passwords safety and confidentiality.

4. Information Disclosure

  1. At times we may disclose personal information to persons in our group. This can include subsidiaries, holding companies, or any other subsidiaries involved in our business, if applicable.
  2. Third Party disclosure may occur for the following reasons:
  • Selling any or all of our business to a third party may result in sharing your information.
  • At any time when we are legally required to we may disclose information about you and your visits to our sites.
  • To prevent fraud and help in fraud protection in order to reduce credit risk, we may disclose information.

5. Third Party Links (including adverts and sponsored links)

Third party links may be discovered on our site. These third party links inlcuding adverts and sponsored links) have their own privacy policy, which you agree to when you click on the link. We are not responsible nor do we accept responsibility for third party links. Our liability covers us only on our site, and thus we do not accept liability for third party links as we have no control over them. Users are advised adopt a policy of caution before clicking any external web links or advertisement links mentioned throughout this website.

6. Information Accessibility

We cannot withhold data we collect about you, as per The Data Protection Act 1998. This act provides you with access to any information we may hold on you. If you wish to have access about our data collection on you please pay our fee of £10. The fee covers our costs for processing your request and getting the data to you. Please use the contact details below to formulate your data access request.


7. Email Newsletter

  1. This website operates an email newsletter program, used to inform subscribers about products and services supplied by this website. Users can subscribe through an online automated process at their own discretion. Some subscriptions may be manually processed through prior written agreement with the user.
  2. Subscriptions are taken in compliance with UK Spam Laws detailed in the Privacy and Electronic Communications Regulations 2003. All personal details relating to subscriptions are held securely and in accordance with the Data Protection Act 1998. No personal details are passed on to third parties nor shared with companies / people outside of the company that operates this website. Under the Data Protection Act 1998 you may request a copy of personal information held about you by this website's email newsletter program.
  3. Email marketing campaigns published by this website or its owners may contain tracking facilities within the actual email. Subscriber activity is tracked and stored in a database for future analysis and evaluation. Such tracked activity including examples such as the opening of emails, forwarding of emails, the clicking of links within the email content, times, dates and frequency of activity. This information is used to refine future email campaigns and supply the user with more relevant content based around their activity.
  4. In compliance with UK Spam Laws and the Privacy and Electronic Communications Regulations 2003 subscribers are given the opportunity to un-subscribe at any time.

8. Social Media

  1. Communication, engagement and actions taken through external social media platforms that this website and its owners participate on are custom to the terms and conditions as well as the privacy policies held with each social media platform respectively.
  2. Users are advised to use social media platforms wisely and use them with due care and caution in regard to their own privacy and personal details. This website nor its owners will ever ask for personal or sensitive information through social media platforms and encourage users wishing to discuss sensitive details to contact them through primary communication channels such as by telephone or email.
  3. This website may use social sharing buttons which help share web content directly from web pages to the social media platform in question. Users are advised before using such social sharing buttons that they do so at their own discretion and note that the social media platform may track and save your request to share a web page respectively through your social media platform account.
  4. This website and its owners through their social media platform accounts may share web links to relevant web pages. By default some social media platforms shorten lengthy urls. Users are advised to take caution and good judgement before clicking any shortened urls published on social media platforms by this website and its owners. Despite the best efforts to ensure only genuine urls are published many social media platforms are prone to spam and therefore this website cannot be held liable for any damages or implications caused by visiting any shortened links.

9. Contacting Us

Please feel free to contact us with queries, requests, or comments you may have about our Privacy Policy. 

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